Changing your OmniFocus Sync Settings.

Using OmniFocus? Not seeing changes reflected in your task database fast enough on all of your devices?

You can easily change your sync settings to enable your database to sync immediately after making a change or adding a task.

I got the following from a post by Omni CEO Ken Case a few years ago on the Omni Group users forum. You can copy each URL and paste them into Safari on the machine that OmniFocus is installed on. This works on both Mac and iOS.

Change OmniFocus sync time between edits.

Here are URLs which tell OmniFocus to sync within 1 second of an edit rather than one minute, then tell it to switch back:

  • omnifocus:///change-preference?TimeFromFirstEditToSync=1
  • omnifocus:///change-preference?TimeFromFirstEditToSync

Change maximum time between database sync in the background.

Here are URLs which change your maximum sync time from one hour to 1 minutes (60 seconds), then back to the default:

  • omnifocus:///change-preference?MaximumTimeBetweenSync=60
  • omnifocus:///change-preference?MaximumTimeBetweenSync

Using the last number in each URL string after the "=", you can change things around to your liking (these numbers are in seconds, so just keep that in mind).

I make this change on each machine that has OmniFocus installed, as I wish to shorten the sync time and make an almost immediate sync where applicable.


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